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Admissions Information

Regular Packages

Admission includes 2 hours play.
Kids under 1 years free - with paid sibling.
Kids 1-3 years old: $13.99 +HST
Kids 4-17 years old: $18.49 +HST
Additional Adults: $6.99+HST

Group Packages - Weekdays only 10am-5pm

15-50 Children = 20% off regular admission
(1-3yrs) = $11.20 +HST
(4-13yrs) = $15.40 + HST
51 or More Children = 30% off regular admission
(1-3yrs) = $10.76+ HST
(4-13yrs) = $14.22 +HST

Private Trip (whole facility)
Less than 70 kids = $999 +tax
70 or more kids = regular admission
(1-3yrs) = $13.99 + HST
(4-13yrs) = $18.49 + HST

Our Facility